
It seems that in the summer, I have fewer things to blog about…so I want to know, what would you like for me to write about in the next few weeks (although, I have to admit, I’ll be going back in to school next week to start getting things set up!).

Leave me a comment or a question (in the comment section) and I’ll post a reply or have everyone chime in with their responses! Anything you want to know about what goes on in my classroom (or my head for that matter–sometimes its scary how many thoughts a person can have at once!). Maybe you have a question about organization??  My schedule?? Science??  Let me know what you want me to write about!


Kristen 🙂

About Kristen Poindexter

I am the 2014 National Shell Science Teacher, 2014 PAEMST Awardee for Science, and a Kindergarten teacher who blogs about my adventures in teaching!

Posted on July 15, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 16 Comments.

  1. Margarita Rogers

    Hey! I love your website! I just finished my first year of kindergarten and love it. I have, of course, many questions …but not to worry I will only pick one 🙂 … how do you decide what the journal topic will be each day?


  2. Harry and Jane

    Hi Kristen,

    I am wondering if you do Guided Reading and if so how do you manage that in your classroom?



  3. Hi Kristin! Thanks for all of your emails and posts-they are such a big help! I currently teach a K-2 class. Last year K was only part-time and this year it will be full-time K. I am trying to make my class more Kindergarten friendly-what are some must-have toys. manipulatives, etc. that you think should be in every K classroom? Thanks SO much!

    Lindsay 🙂


  4. Hey Kristen! I really enjoy your site. It’s great to see other teachers who are passionate about what they do. I am trying to decide the most efficient and meaningful way to store student samples, assessments…to share with parents/use when writing reports/back up my grades… Students in my school also participate in student led conferences rather than parent-teacher interviews and will develop their own simple portfolio for that. What do you do?


  5. Can you give some ideas on activities that address Common Core Standards! love your site!


  6. Setting up your room with pictures


  7. I’m interested in your schedule this year! The thing you were telling me about 90 minutes…that would be an(other) interesting blog. Mhm.


  8. HI. I would love to know how you do calendar…I often it is just a boring routine to put up the number. Could you please tell me how you do this and how you make it more exciting. I would love to see a picture too of your calendar and all that you do around it. Thanks so much and enjoy your summer.


  9. Beth Schmidgall

    Hi Kristen,

    I found your blog online when I found out I would be teaching kindergarteners for the first time in Kuwait this year. I am a school counselor and this will be my first experience as a kindergarten teacher. I am wondering if you could give me some tips on classroom set-up and well as schedule. You might have something already written so if you could direct me to that portion of the blog I would appreciate it! I have enjoyed reading our entries and they are very informative! Beth


  10. I would love to hear about how you begin your year, what your routine looks like, which themes/topics you cover, etc . . .




  11. Do you do math and science journals and if so, how does that work?


  12. Tracie Lake-Kinnaird


    Is there any way that I can email you personally? I don’t want my question to be posted on the blog for everyone to see.

    Thank you in advance!



  13. Your site is wonderful! I’d love to see what you do to develop community within the first few weeks of school.


  14. Thanks for asking! I will be teaching Kindergarten for the first time in the fall. My class will consist of 21 students. Some will leave at lunchtime, but the majority will stay for the day. How do you or others handle this type of situation? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


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