Living and Nonliving

We started one of my most favorite units this week–our Living and Nonliving unit!  I had the kiddos draw and write about what they thought Living and Nonliving meant and had them write or draw about it in their Science Notebooks:





I LOVE Kindergarten writing!! 🙂IMG_0108

She’s writing “We are living”.IMG_0109

“Mrs. Poindexter, this is a paper heart, not a real heart, real hearts beat, paper hearts do not”. IMG_0110



IMG_0113As they notebooked, I walked around asking them what “living” and “nonliving” meant to them and why they chose to draw or write some of the things they did.  I used this as kind of a pre-assessment to help me figure out how long we needed to spend on defining what living and nonliving mean to this group.  They did a pretty good job with their choices and were able to give several reasons why they drew and wrote what they did.

We got together in partners after they had 10 minutes to draw and write to discuss with their partners about what they chose to write or draw about.  Its always so interesting to me to listen in on their conversations and hear what their thinking is and the understanding behind their thinking.

Kristen 🙂

About Kristen Poindexter

I am the 2014 National Shell Science Teacher, 2014 PAEMST Awardee for Science, and a Kindergarten teacher who blogs about my adventures in teaching!

Posted on March 13, 2014, in Living/Nonliving, Science Notebooks. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. I taught kindergarten for two years and then moved to fourth when my position was cut. I love seeing your work samples. They remind me of why I LOVED teaching this grade. 🙂 Thanks~Kara

    Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 13:02:41 +0000 To:


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